Thank you for visiting Changed Through Faith!
I spent over 20 years as a teacher in all types of schools and have always enjoyed being a husband and a dad. However, I was often restless and not fulfilled nor at peace in my life. Something was missing. That “something” was a close, daily relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
I had attended church most of my life, but I had also walked most of my life trying to relieve stress through the ways of this world and trying to figure things out myself, “straddling the line,” and not being fully committed to following Jesus. As God healed me (please read the full story in the book) and I began to walk with Him more closely, I developed a heart to help others do the same.
Many times we hear great sermons, attend wonderful worship concerts, and even have our hearts moved and transformed. However, without practical APPLICATION to our daily lives, these great developments seem to always fade quickly. My desire was to develop resources that were very practical and easy to remember and to help others apply their increasing faith in God PRACTICALLY into their lives seven days a week.
My life was radically changed through faith and yours can be too! I want this book, this website, these resources, and your relationship with God to help you live a life that is truly Changed Through Faith!
Thanks for visiting!
Brian Goslee
Founder & Executive Director
Changed Through Faith Ministries