Category: 4. Give It

Through Your Hands – Part 3

through your hands
LISTEN to this post TRANSLATE TO TELUGU or another language Through Your Hands - Part 3 by Brian Goslee   Through the posts in this series, Through Your Hands, we have looked at some stories in the Bible of God working through people to perform miracles and provide blessings.  In the story from Acts 3, Peter extended his hand to a man who had been lame from birth and raised him up, and immediately the man walked and jumped and praised God. The miracle passed through Peter’s hand.  In the story from the book of Matthew 14, the disciples of..

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Through Your Hands – Part 2

through your hands
LISTEN to the post   LISTEN to the post Through Your Hands - Part 2 by Brian Goslee   In the previous post, Through Your Hands-Part 1, we looked at the story of Peter and John healing a man that was lame and could not walk in Acts 3 of the Bible. Perhaps, you would say that it was not Peter and John that healed, but rather God that healed through them. I agree with that. I believe that many times God, who is all-powerful, still wants to work through us. Sometimes, we are waiting for God to “do something,”..

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Through Your Hands – Part 1

through your hands
LISTEN to the post VIEW IN TELUGU or another language Through Your Hands - Part 1 by Brian Goslee One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon. Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So..

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It’s About Love-Part 2

LISTEN to this post   VIEW IN TELUGU or another language It’s About LovePart 2-Our Love for Others by Brian Goslee (tune into the podcast about this post here at this link: CTFaith Quick: An "AHA" Moment About Love) (download the It's About Love bookmark here) Have you ever been frustrated and not “felt a lot of love?"I know I have…plenty of times. I want to share a quick, but important lesson that I learned about how we are called to love others the way God loves us.  For several months, I have been reading out loud every day Psalm..

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