CTFaith Blog - page 4


Listen to this article A New LOL by Brian Goslee The Changed Through Faith steps, book, and platform are all about activating your faith in your daily life. As those “activations” add up, you will experience increased closeness with God and transformation of your thoughts, beliefs, and actions to be more consistent with God’s. The result: a changed life through increased faith in God, in His promises, in His ways, and in His timing. In its simplest form, activating your faith means thinking about God and focusing on things of God much more often in your daily life. It is..

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Share Your Story: The CTFaith Story

Share Your Story: The CTFaith Story by Brian Goslee This post coincides with Episode 2 of the Changed Through Faith Podcast. If you would rather listen to it than read it, feel free to visit the podcast at these link on Apple, Spotify, Audible, or Amazon Music.   The focus of this post is to share with you (1) my story, (2) where Changed Through Faith came from, and (3) what Changed Through Faith Ministries is doing now. Not only do I want to give you an idea about me and our ministry, but the real purpose of this is..

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