by Lewis Erickson This book will absolutely help you understand God and the Bible more, whether you are starting to explore Christianity or have been a Christian your whole life. It will also help you grow in your faith and relationship with God. It is presented in clear language for all to understand, yet still very effectively addresses complex issues and difficult questions many people have about God and life. Lewis has a warm and friendly writing style and includes real-life stories and application that help the reader not only understand God much more, but also how to apply that
Categories : Christian Living, Personal Growth
Posted by Brian Goslee

God’s Provision: Our Consistency by Brian Goslee Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? (Matthew 6:26 NIV) This verse has always giving me comfort in knowing that God sees me as very valuable and will provide for me. Recently, however, I began to reflect on this verse more. Sometimes, I think we are comforted by such passages but mistakenly may also fall into a place of “sitting back,” expecting God to do all
Categories : Christian Living
Posted by Brian Goslee

Jesus or Bust!
JESUS OR BUST! by Brian Goslee Photo by Juliano Ferreira from Pexels This post is from the Your Faith Has Made You Well free devotional plan. Sign up for 9-days of devotionals to build your faith. As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. When he heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son
Categories : Prayer
Posted by Brian Goslee

Lean On God
A few moths ago, I had my second heart surgery in a year. Shortly beforehand, we learned that the hospital is not allowing any visitors for surgeries because of the COVID pandemic. When we heard the news, this hit my wife and I hard as we have leaned on each other these past 38 years whenever times got tough. It is safe to say this was one of our toughest times. I became a bit fearful and my mind began to race and then a question came to me: Who has been with you since the beginning? I
Categories : Christian Living, Personal Growth
Posted by Tom Ruter

Being Needed vs. Being Wanted
Which is better, to be needed or to be wanted? Here are some example scenarios to consider. PARENTING Consider the role of a parent. When your children are first born, they definitely need you. They depend on you for safety, food, shelter, clean diapers and clothes, not to mention emotional support, life lessons, and so on. Even when they are older, they might still need you for college tuition or help with food and shelter. As parents, the greatest feeling in the world, however, is not to be needed, but to be wanted. Andy Stanley, Pastor of North Point
Categories : Christian Living, Personal Growth
Posted by Brian Goslee